Sampling of stories and topics discussed during the interview:
Starting and growing America's largest Intellectual Property (IP) boutique law firm
Personal story of going from growing up in Pennsylvania and selling furniture to starting a law firm in downtown DC
How having successful fathers influenced Doug Henderson and his co-founder Marcus Finnegan
Vision and innovations that contributed to Finnegan Henderson's success
Shaping firm culture in a way that allowed next generation of partners to successfully take over the management of the firm
Attracting and keeping great clients
Keys to retaining talent at a law firm
State of the IP legal industry, including failure of other IP boutiques
Surprising advise to potential client about choosing an IP boutique v. a general practice firm
How fear of losing their Blackberry smart phones caused DC policy makers (including Supreme Court Justices) to turn against strong patent rights
Having Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia as a neighbor and watching him fearlessly perform CPR
Advice for other firms, lawyers, and law students
And, much more!