Voice of IP
Clause 8
Erich Spangenberg on How to Succeed in Patent Monetization

Erich Spangenberg on How to Succeed in Patent Monetization

Also: Erich shares plans to buy IPwe out of bankruptcy and why being called "notorious patent troll" by the New York Times helped him

His critics have called him “one of the most notorious patent trolls in America.” Many others have tried and failed to emulate his success. However, it’s hard to deny that Erich Spangenberg is in many ways a singular visionary in the world of patents. If there are celebrities in the patent world, it’s Erich Spangenberg.

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As the founder of IPNav, he completed over 1000 licensing transactions - worth billions of dollars. To the surprise of many, he then joined forces with hedge fund manager Kyle Bass to challenge pharma patents under the AIA. More recently, he founded IPwe  - a blockchain-based platform for patent transactions.

On this episode, Erich shares the story of how being sued for patent infringement by Ronald Katz led him to embrace the patent monetization field. He also shares his strategies for successful patent assertion, his candid perspective on being labeled a “patent troll,” why big corporations wanted him to work for them, what he thinks the role of generative AI will be for IP, his plans for IPwe after its bankruptcy, and much more!

Key Takeaways:

  • Innovative Approach to Patent Assertion: Erich Spangenberg's strategies involve early information sharing and comprehensive presentations to inform and engage potential infringers.

  • Learning from the Best: Insights gained from industry veterans like Ron Katz and applying asset management principles, rather than merely advocating, have been keys to Erich’s success in patent monetization.

  • Impact of America Invents Act (AIA): Addressing the ramifications of AIA, Erich explains how his collaboration with Kyle Bass aimed to showcase its flaws and its current role in pharma patent challenges.

  • Future of Patent Transactions: Despite challenges, Erich remains optimistic about utilizing blockchain and AI for creating an efficient marketplace for patents.

Notable Quotable:

"Not every patent asset is a great one. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of them aren't."

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Voice of IP
Clause 8
The podcast listened to by sophisticated in-house counsel, judges from around the world, IP policymakers, senior USPTO officials, and top patent dealmakers and attorneys to stay ahead of the curve by understanding the personalities and forces shaping IP.
Eli Mazour’s love of talking to people – along with his belief in the importance of America’s patent system – led him to start Clause 8. Clause 8 features conversations that provide strategic insights about how to best deal with various patent-related issues. Some of the previous guests include America’s great innovators, federal judges, USPTO Directors, top IP staffers on Capitol Hill, and Carole Baskin’s attorney from the documentary Tiger King.
It's the #1 podcast about IP and is in the top 2.5% of all podcasts according to Listen Score. The podcast has been covered and cited in many publications, including Bloomberg, Law360, Courthouse News Service, Above the Law, IAM, and Original Jurisdiction.