Voice of IP
Clause 8
Resetting the Narrative on IP Rights in America

Resetting the Narrative on IP Rights in America

This year, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce brought together a diverse group of stakeholders and thought leaders in support of a framework of IP Principles.  These IP Principles are part of an initiative to help America overcome a sustained effort to demonize intellectual property rights over the last 15-20 years. 

Patrick Kilbride and Brad Watts, from the U.S. Chamber’s Global Innovation Policy Center (GIPC), join Eli to talk about leading this initiative, the current narrative on IP rights and the forces that shaped it, the themes of the IP Principles document, and what they hope to accomplish.  They also discuss why the U.S. Chamber cares so much about IP issues, whether patents are underappreciated compared to other IP rights, and much more!

IP Principles: https://www.uschamber.com/assets/documents/A-Principled-Approach-to-a-New-Narrative-on-IP.pdf

Voice of IP
Clause 8
The podcast listened to by sophisticated in-house counsel, judges from around the world, IP policymakers, senior USPTO officials, and top patent dealmakers and attorneys to stay ahead of the curve by understanding the personalities and forces shaping IP.
Eli Mazour’s love of talking to people – along with his belief in the importance of America’s patent system – led him to start Clause 8. Clause 8 features conversations that provide strategic insights about how to best deal with various patent-related issues. Some of the previous guests include America’s great innovators, federal judges, USPTO Directors, top IP staffers on Capitol Hill, and Carole Baskin’s attorney from the documentary Tiger King.
It's the #1 podcast about IP and is in the top 2.5% of all podcasts according to Listen Score. The podcast has been covered and cited in many publications, including Bloomberg, Law360, Courthouse News Service, Above the Law, IAM, and Original Jurisdiction.